About us
We are a fully licensed day care facility offering full time programs for families and children in the Bedford community

To serve the children and their families living in Bedford-Sackville and surrounding areas. To provide an inclusive, safe, nurturing environment where children can learn and develop. To prepare children for school and help them grow and learn in all areas of development.

Play, Learn, Grow is based on the idea that children begin their lives by playing. From their play activities, they learn about the world around them and they learn the skills they need to grow. Eventually, through that learning, they grow. They grow mentally, physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. We believe children learn naturally, by interacting with their environment, through a holistic, emergent approach to curriculum development.
An Emergent Curriculum Philosophy is one that builds upon the interests of children. Children learn about themselves and the world around them through investigation and discovery, through art, dramatic play, and social interactions.
Inclusion Statement
We feel all children have the right to be valued, accepted and included. We embrace inclusion and celebrate diversity as the means to foster the well-being of every child. Everyone is entitled to full participation and support to meet their individual needs using a strength based, family centered approach, whereby we all learn from each other.
Our goal is to be inclusive in providing developmentally appropriate group experiences for all children in a secure, stimulating, and child-centered environment. We recognize all children have specific abilities and needs. We strive to foster diversity to ensure all families are reflected in our center. We will make every effort to accommodate children with additional supports, to give all children the opportunity to develop in all areas of development to their fullest potentials.
Faculty & Staff
All staff are fully trained to work with young children. As a fully licensed facility, we adhere to the standards set by the Department of Education and Childhood Development. All staff have up-to-date criminal record checks, child abuse checks and Emergency First Aid/CPR.